Nayeli Orozco

nayeli orozco

October 9, 2004 ~ December 4, 2024

Resided in: Madison, OH

Nayeli Orozco, age 20, of Madison, Ohio, passed away December 4, 2024. She was born October 9, 2004 in Warren, OH to Catalina (Miguel) Gomez.
Nayeli was a beautiful young lady, who was enamored with equally vibrant experiences. She was studying to be a nurse because she was the kind of person it takes to do that job. Someone who was very compassionate and kind, always curious about others, and happy to help bring someone up out of their worst times. She detested dull moments and would let you know if you were being lame or boring. She didn’t internalize anything. She would come, she would pay attention, and when she was ready, you would know exactly what she was thinking. If anyone was to be found spontaneously breaking into song and dance, it was her, because she had the tact to know when to do it and the style to pull it off.
She loved her two dogs, Jack and Luna, as she was their main caretaker. Her family was most important to her. Nayeli always wanted to see her family together and would drop anything she was doing to help another in need. No other is as generous with their time and energy when it comes to encouraging others, and no other does it with such grace. Nayeli was always ready to plan events, because she is the glue that continues to bond people in any reunion. She was incredibly responsible with her life, and very mature, beyond her age. Bright purple and pink were her favorite colors, and the Dahlia was her favorite flower.
To live for each second without hesitation, that was her way. We love you Nayeli, we miss you, and we know you are in better hands. We are not of this world, and we will see you again.
She is survived by her mother, Catalina and father, Miguel Gomez; brothers, Jorge (Emily) Orozco, Jr., Erik (Alexis) Orozco, Ivan Orozco, Alberick Gomez; and sisters, Mia Catalina and Nadia Gomez; and beloved boyfriend, Salvatore Vargas. She was preceded in death by her maternal grandparents, Ignacio Angel and Catalina Lopez.
Friends will be received 3:00 PM- 7:00 PM, Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at Behm Family Funeral Home, 26 River Street, Madison, Ohio. Mass of Christian Burial will be at 11:00 AM, Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at St. Cyprian Church with Father Michael Stalla celebrating and Father George Kusy co-celebrating. Final Resting Place will be Perry Cemetery.
Online obituary may be viewed at

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Visitation: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Behm Family Funeral Homes - Madison
26 River Street,
Madison, OH 44057

(440) 428-4401

Mass of Christian Burial: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 11:00 am

St. Cyprian Catholic Church
4223 Middle Ridge Road
Perry, OH 44081


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Memories Timeline


  1. Que tus abuelitos te estén abrazando fuerte; aquí pedimos por tu familia y seres amados Nay! Dios y la virgen te guíen hermosa.

    Forever young and Stunning ! you will be missed in so many ways. 🌻

    • Everyday all I’ve been thinking about how life can change in an instant and why it had to be Nayeli! My heart is broken for you and all your family in this incredibly difficult time!!! I can’t express enough how deeply sorry for your loss. May God hold her in his arms forever!

  2. May God provide your family peace, comfort and spiritual guidance.
    Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord.

  3. We are so shocked and saddened to hear of this loss. We were at the restaurant last weekend, and had a good talk with Nayeli. She was always so grown up and confident, and her loss will be felt by all of us. Fly with the angels sweet girl 👼🪽💔

  4. Our hearts are so broken for your family. As a neighbor it was so evident she had a kind and caring spirit and soul! We so often would see her with her younger sister getting her off the bus, walking alongside on the street while she drove her play car, and she often had her dog with her. She always had a smile and a charisma that was so gentle about her. Our family will continue to pray for comfort, strength, and healing. Sending all our love. Bob and Katie Southall (and family)

  5. We met Nayeli when her brothers were doing Taekwondo , Nayeli is a beautiful young lady inside and out , she was always a happy lady . Nayeli also join Taekwondo she was good. She was very sweet to everyone she will forever be in our 💕

  6. Que Dios la tenga en su santa gloria, y que descanse en paz. Ella sigue y seguirá siempre con su familia, mis más sinceras condolencias. Siempre fue una buena amiga y compañera de trabajo. 🕊️

  7. Nayeli always had a smile on her face and was fun to talk with at the Wild Burrito. I would always joke with her about being the daughter of “el jeffe”, she would quietly smile and go about her work. She will be missed be all who had the pleasure of knowing her.

  8. Nayeli, muchas gracias por formar parte de nuestra vida, sé que mis abuelitos están contigo, que ellos te dieron la bienvenida y te están abrazando, estarás siempre en mi corazón y memoria, nunca te olvidaré y espero no olvidar su risa.

  9. While I didn’t have the pleasure of ever meeting her personally, I heard all about her thru Sal and his mother of how wonderful she was. My thoughts and prayers go out to her parents and siblings.

  10. There are no words to express our heartfelt loss.. just know we will do our best to help comfort your mom and dad and family thru these tough times .. sending hugs and love ..

  11. Nayeli regresaste a la casa de tu creador, estoy segura que te recibió en sus amorosos brazos para que goces de la gloria eterna, te recordaremos siempre con tu hermosa sonrisa. Q.e.p.d.

  12. mi nay, nos dejas un vacío muy grande, gracias por todos los momentos compartidos y por ser una luz en la vida de quienes te rodeábamos, te voy a extrañar todos los días, hasta el último de los míos, descansa en paz, siempre te llevaré conmigo 🤍

  13. Descansa en Paz Nayeli segura Dios te necesita a junto a él para llenarlo de esa linda vibra que te caracterizaba Dios mande fortaleza a tus Padres y tus Hermanos

  14. Mis mas sinceras condolencias para toda la familia en especial a tu mami, descansa en paz precioso angelito , ahora tienes unas hermosas alas que dios padre te a regalado y que te adornan y dan luz con tu hermosa sonrisa, diosito te reciba en su reyno! 🙏

    • Has dejado un gran vacío, terminaste tu misión en la tierra y dejas una enseñanza en quienes te conocieron, gracias por formar parte de esta familia, q.e.p.d.

      Familia: Delgadillo Proa
      Familia: Proa Gómez

  15. Nayeli siempre te recordaré como una persona llena de vida, energía y amor. Tu sonrisa iluminaba cualquier espacio y tu presencia era un regalo para todos los que te rodeaban. Agradezco a Dios el haber sido tu primo.

  16. May GOD hold her close,, May GOD GIVE you peace as words cannot express the sadness in my heart for all of you

  17. Mi mas sentido pesame para toda su familia es una gran perdida y es un dolor muy grande perder un ser muy querido ya está con Dios nuestro senor un gran abrazo a sus herman@s y a sus padres 🙏🌷

  18. Our deepest condolences to your family. May God bless you and bring you peace. We are holding your family up in prayer 🙏🕊️✝️

  19. So sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was a beautiful person inside and out and loved by all who knew her. (My son, Logan, is a friend of Ivan’s from high school.)

  20. You brought so much joy, love and happiness to all that had the pleasure of knowing you. When we think of you, we will smile and remember you with love. A void has been made that can never be filled. May God see your family and friends thru this difficult time.

  21. I’m so sorry for your loss, I didn’t know Nayeli very well but any time we did speak was a pleasure and a joy. She will be missed dearly.

  22. Caty, Miguel y familia:
    No existen palabras para describir lo mucho que lamento su pérdida.
    Espero que encuentren paz y sanación en este doloroso momento, mi corazón está con ustedes, no saben cuanto lamentó lo acontecido.

  23. Dejas un gran vacío en todos nosotros que no podremos llenar . Pero estamos agradecidos con Dios por a vernos dado la dicha de haber formado parte de tu vida . descansa en paz hermosa Nay.

  24. Para mi nina, mi padrino, y familia,

    Lamento mucho la tragedia que estan sufriendo en este momento.
    I know there are no words that can ever fill the emptiness that has emerged from such a devastating loss that you are all dealing with now, but know that many friends and relatives will be there for in these trying times. Nayeli was a beacon of light in a limitless sea, and she will forever be missed.
    Mi corazón esta con ustedes, siempre.

  25. Comadre Caty sabes que estamos contigo en este dolor tan grande para ti y tu familia, lamentamos muchísimo lo que están viviendo en estos momentos. Siempre recordaremos a Nayeli con esa sonrisa tan bella que le iluminaba su carita y la llevaremos en nuestros corazones.

  26. Words can’t describe how devastating this is. Nayeli was so full of love and joy, and lit up any room she stepped into. She never failed to put a smile on anyone’s face. She was such an amazing and loyal friend. Nayeli will forever be loved and missed. Rest in peace.

  27. I am very sorry for your loss. My son went to high school with Nayeli. She was beautiful, kind and smart. I will keep your family in my prayers during this difficult time.

  28. amiga Katy no hay palabras, para un dolor tan grande , un abrazo fuerte , no hay nada Que pueda sanar tu dolor , estaras en mis oraciones, Que dios Les de fuerzas a toda la familia en estos momentos, tienes un angel 👼🏼 en el cielo 🙏🏻

  29. En ocasiones cuestionamos las decisiones De Dios, no sabemos el porqué de las cosas..
    El dolor por una perdida es inevitable no sentirlo, pero siempre hay que buscar el consuelo en nuestro Dios.
    Les mando un fuerte abrazo, siempre fue una excelente hija, hermana y persona 🤍🕊️

  30. I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what you all must be feeling; there are so many who have you all in our thoughts and prayers during this painful time. I remember when you all stayed with us in TN way back when and the joy we felt having you all there. Rest in peace, much love to your family 🤍

  31. My deepest condolences to you all; Nay was a beautiful soul. Each time we saw her she always had a smile on her face. Heaven gained an angel the day that she was taken away from all of you. Prayers and Love❤️ From Christina and Macy Zwilling (Erik’s mother-in-law/sister-in-law)

  32. Mi más sentido pésame para toda la familia . No tuve el placer Nayeli de conocerte pero si conozco muy bien a tu mami. Y no hay palabras para que le den consuelo. Pero descanza en paz y mis sincero pésame para toda la familia. Tu luz se apago muy pronto .

  33. Remembered at Mass in Clermont FL on Dec 10, 2024. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the faithfully departed, rest in peace. Amen.

  34. We are so incredibly sorry for your loss of such a beautiful soul. Nothing we say will take the pain away, but know we are thinking of you all every day.

  35. Our deepest condolences to your family. Thinking of you. Sending you prayers for comfort and peace. ❤️ Don, Mary, Addy, Mason

  36. Im devastated to hear of Nayeli’s passing. I didn’t know her well, but she was so sweet the times I’ve interacted with her.

  37. Nuestras más sinceras condolencias! No nos podemos imaginar el dolor que experimentan. Les acompañamos en su dolor. Estamos aquí para lo que necesites.

  38. Mis más sinceras condolencias para toda la familia muy en especialmente para su mamá 🙏 se que en estos momentos no hay palabras para calmar tu dolor y sanar tu 💔 ánimo. Descanse en paz Nayeli tus abuelitos te estarán recibiendo con los brazos abiertos 👼

  39. This is extremely sad I didn’t know her personally but I did go to Auburn career center and to see her pass at a young age is just devastating

  40. Mi más sentido pésame ahora tienen un hermoso angel que los cuida desde el cielo . Descanza en paz Nayeli un abrazo hasta el cielo

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