Daniel Martin Rusnak II

November 5, 2023 ~ November 12, 2023
Baby Daniel Martin Rusnak II, passed away on Sunday, November 12, 2023 at Hillcrest Hospital in Mayfield Heights. Born on Sunday, November 5, 2023 little Daniel was a fighter from the beginning. In his short life he had a monumental inpact on his family and the caregivers who fought by his side.
He is survived by his loving parents, Sarah Smith and Daniel Rusnak; grandparents, Cheryl Rusnak and Gary Smith; great grandmothers, Marie Rusnak and Helen Smith; aunts and uncles, Erika and Jason Petrowski, Michelle and Kevin Kirby, Christina and Doug Angus; and his cousins, Destiny, Victoria, Gavin, Evangeline, Hailee, Cameryn, Maddie, Katrina, and Austin.
Baby Daniel is preceeded in death by his grandfather, whom he is named after, Daniel Martin Rusnak I, and grandmother, Connie Smith.
A private family service to celebrate Daniels life will take place at their home at a later date. The Behm Family Funeral Home of Madison is assisting the family at this time.
My little peanut. Mimi loves you so much. It brings me comfort to know, that you are with God and Grandpa, and you are healthy and happy. I love you baby Daniel. I look forward to the day I’ll see you again. Love and Hugs little guy
In memory of Daniel
Rusnak II, Cheryl Rusnak lit a candle