Brian K. Blystone Sr.

brian blystone

October 15, 1963 ~ September 7, 2024

Brian K Blystone, Sr. passed away peacefully on September 7, 2024. Born on October 15,1963 in Cleveland, Ohio to the late Kennth R. Blystone Jr. and Elva Joyce Barnes, he was a 1981 graduate of Madison High School and served proudly in US Army.

He married his wife and best friend Terri on September 3,1983. He loved all sports, especially The Ohio State Buckeyes, being outdoors, and spending time with his family and friends. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to wear your Ohio State gear when joining us to celebrate Brian’s life.

He is survived by his loving wife, Terri, and his sons Brian Jr. and Taylor Blystone; granddaughter, Dakota Blystone; brother, Kenneth (Karen) Blystone; and sister, Sheri (Walter) Leitch; mother-in-law, Linda Ebbert; and many  nieces and nephews, extended family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, Kenneth R Blystone Jr. and Elva Joyce Barnes; and father-in-law, George (Bill) Ebbert.

Visitation will take place from 3-6 pm Sunday, September 15, 2024, at the Behm Family Funeral Home, 26 River Street in Madison, with a Memorial Service and military honor guard, immediately following at 6 pm, at the funeral home.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that contributions be made to the Wounded Warrior Project

Online obituary and condolences may be viewed at


Visitation: Sunday, September 15, 2024 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Behm Family Funeral Homes - Madison
26 River Street,
Madison, OH 44057

(440) 428-4401

Memorial Service: Sunday, September 15, 2024 6:00 pm

Behm Family Funeral Homes - Madison
26 River Street,
Madison, OH 44057

(440) 428-4401

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Memories Timeline


  1. Eric Hill
    Blystone family,
    I am a childhood friend of Brian and, as we called his big brother then ..KC and of course little sister Sheri. We spent hundreds of hours together in our youth! His family was my family and mine was his. From sleepovers to family reunions we shared, laughed and loved as much as any friends ever did. All of the Blystone’s were my forever friends. I lost touch with them when I moved away in 1977 to a new town but recently rekindled a friendship on Facebook with KC. My heart was broken when I learned of Brian’s passing but my joy of many memories and fun times we shared as youths will never die. Our friends live forever in our hearts! We also have the blessed hope that we too will one day see Brian again on that great resurrection day. Know that the Hills loved Brian! He is rejoicing now with his wonderful folks that have gone on before and with my folks too! For that I am a little jealous!

  2. KC I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your brother, He will now be with the family that has gone before him. We send are love support and a very BIG hug.
    Dee and Charlie and Bentley

    • Soooo many memories Brian Keith Blystone, Sr., my Brother…

      You battled the mistakes the VA made head on!
      Not once, in person or on the phone, did you ever feel sorry for yourself nor make us feel sorry for you. You dealt with everything beyond my comprehension… Brave Brother so Brave!!

      Your AMAZING wife Terri… We’ve all witnessed what true love really is… Thank you Terri for loving my Brother in such an unselfish way…
      You are absolutely the STRONGEST woman I’ve ever met. Thank you for battling for him to this end of life and loving him so hard…

      Uncle Bubba (Brian, Jr.) and Taylor… Y’all have been strong through all this and kept your Mother and Father lifted up! Well done Nephews!!


      Being in the kiddy pool, you in diapers, I bit you everywhere but your diaper area. When Mom came back out and saw what I did, she bit my arm so hard it brought the blood to the surface. Sorry Bro!

      All of the countless hours throwing some kinda ball with you. You made me a better athlete, always pushing me to be and do better.
      You were not afraid to catch whatever junk I threw to you… Awesome Bro!

      When we lived near Severance Mall, the only Gentiles in that Jewish community. While being baby sat by a Jewish family across the street, we played Ultraman and your eye connected with my elbow and to the hospital you went for stitches above your eye. Sorry Bro!

      I was going to school at Boulevard Elementary and you and Sheri are supposed to be home being watched by Dad who worked night shift. While in my gym class the entire class see 2 sets of legs and feet by the window. You 2 joined my class for gym. Lol, more than once cause our Dad was tired… WTG Bro!

      A few years later, while living in East Cleveland, you thought you were faster than me… Lol
      We used Mom’s metal closeline holder as a finish line. You finished 2nd and tripped over the metal pole and boom, another set of stitches above your other eye after knocking a section of bumper off a Chevy station wagon parked right after the finish line. Matching stitches because of me… Sorry Bro!!

      Lol, Also living in the same place. I played the violin and while walking to school in the winter, you come flying bye, grab my violin and case, and used it as a sled, down hill to school. I tested horribly that morning. Someone told the music teacher what you did, I had to take my violin to him. He checked the back of it and it was cracked all the way down. I found out you were running away from trouble makers and needed to make a quick getaway.
      That same violin you had previously messed up the tightness of the bow, messing with it and got me into trouble. Not Good Bro!

      Still in the same place, I’m helping Dad on a car in the garage. I’m asking him all kinda questions and he says “go get your Brother”! He told me to go play catch off the house which normally we’d get grounded for. You helped Dad without asking questions. You and Dad were always close!! Lol, you kept your mouth shut… Lol WTG Bro!

      Still in East Cleveland you wanted a Wildcat banana bike just like mine.
      Dad buys it, puts it together, and tells us to go for a ride and tells me to watch over you.
      We go around the block, almost home, and a car is coming at us. I keep telling you to move out of it’s way and where the car went you moved in front of it. Right by the house, Boom you collide with the car fly over the rear of the car AND YOU’RE LAUGHING… You laughed so hard you pee’d your shorts. What’s up with that Bro?
      Of course Dad grounded me cause you got hit.
      Thanks Bro!

      We move to Madison and we played all kind of sports in our neighborhood where you earned the nickname WRB (Walking Rule Book)… You were such a stickler for the smallest things… I can still hear you say “foul! You tipped my pinky”, while you were shooting. Come on Bro… You mugged us! Lol
      You had one heck of a shot! It was more of a set shot but you were on the money! WTG Bro!

      You and I were playing catch in the front yard at the Condos. Sheri wanted to play and we told her no. She went to Dad who made us include her.
      We played running bases and after a real short time she got beaned in the head. I find out later as adults you strategically hit her so it was just you and me. Nice thinking! Sorry Sheri! Not good Bro! Lol

      You were a heck of a catcher and made the Little Leauge All-Star Team that did very well. I think y’all went to Williamsport? Your favorite number was 5 because of another catcher, Johnny Bench!
      Awesome Bro!

      Playing for the Blue Streaks my dream was to have you make the block that set me up for a cleared touchdown run. You did it! It was a long run but got called back because as I ran by everyone one of our guys clipped a defender. I was 15 yards ahead of everyone! I still give you credit and grabbed our unwise clipper… Great job Bro!

      Your senior year, watching you from the bleachers and so proud of you! What a shooter you were.
      Later on, in the Army, you were a different kinda shooter. An Expert Marksman! WHAT A SHOT! WTG Bro!

      You rushing to Lake East Hospital in Painesville when your nephew Brandon was being born and he was a fetal distress. You were there for me… Thank you so much Bro!

      You loved my Son like he was one of yours even flying him down to Las Vegas so y’all could spoil him down there even more.
      When Brandon graduated, y’all were back in Madison, and gave him a place to stay and helped guide him into adulthood. Thank you so much Bro!

      I was so proud of you when you went into the Army! It made me realize you might not make it back. I’ve ALWAYS loved you and I finally stopped taking you for granite and appreciated you… Sorry it took me so long Bro!

      You came home from the Army and we through you a big “WELCOME HOME PARTY”!
      You and I are in the screen tent and I’m sitting on the picnic table with my arms folded on the table with my forehead resting on it. I was feeling the beer…
      You grabbed my head by my hair and asked if I’d had enough? You drank as much as me but it didn’t effect you! I said, ” heck no! Give me another beer! I ain’t lettin my little brother drink me under the table!” You got used to that dark, high octane, German beer Bro! You got me!!

      You could crush a softball. I pitched practice for our church league and the balls you hit came back from over the fence unround… Man you could crush the softball. All the time too!! Awesome Bro!

      My first Thanksgiving on the road as a truck driver I joined y’all for dinner at the Ebbert’s house in Las Vegas.
      They send us home with some leftover pumpkin pie and we had to have cool whip. You and I go to Lucky’s grocery store and they had quarter poker machines. You say we gotta play. I’ve got 3 parts of a Royal Flush that could bring me $1,500. All of a sudden this finger comes in between my waist and right arm, pushes the button instead of me, and BOOM, I hit for the Jackpot!
      I don’t believe in luck anymore but God sure did bless you in things… Many things!! Blessings Bro!

      I still can’t figure out how you didn’t get tickets as fast as you drove! Lol, the Autobon suited you well while you served your country proudly in Germany. You da man Bro!

      You kept score for softball, even coached a bit.
      You helped so many players fine tune their games making them better.
      You always had a knack of seeing someone struggling trying to do something and guide them to making it happen. Awesome Bro!!

      Brother, I write these things because these are the times I mostly think about…

      I thank God he gave you to be my Brother!

      I thank YOU for loving me through all my failures…

      You fought the good fight and now you’re in the arms of your Savior Jesus Christ…
      No more pain, no more sorrow, and you are now whole again in Heaven…
      I’ll cya again someday…

      I love you always and forever…
      You may not be here physically but you will NEVER be forgotten… YOU’RE IN MY HEART FOREVER…


  3. KC, Terri & Sherri. The memories I still have of Danny, Mike Peck & Brian are as tho they happened yesterday. It was the 3 of them at our house just being silly. God has taken 2 of them home. I pray ur hearts & family get thru this time with love & grow in memories of Brian that you can share with future generations. I can already hear the laughter those memories will bring. Love guys. Praying for you all.

  4. My heart and empathy for the whole Family is overwhelmed. I haven’t seen Brian since Christmas 1979.. however KC has loyally kept myself and my family abreast of everything Blystone, I am so grateful for Brian having Terri and his Children at his side.
    Growing up in Madison, the Family were my greatest influences from Sports and Boy Scouts and affected the trajectory of my life for the better always. God Bless

    • Brother! Tyvm for the kind words!!
      You have always been family to me and you and your family mean the world to me!!!
      Thanks for being my Big Bro!!!!
      I love y’all!!!!!
      May God fill you with His comfort and peace…
      Bless you and your family always…

  5. Hi, I’m Brains granddaughter Dakota Blystone, he was the strongest person I’ve ever know, he loved me and his family so so much and I’m glad he got to watch his sons, my uncle and dad, grow up to be the amazing people they are, and I’m glad he got to see me grow up too.. With every up and down in life he pushed through them, every obstacle and challenge, and I’m very proud of him for that.. I’m glad he’s not in pain anymore and he will be looking over everyone, especially my grandma, Terri blystone, again, one of the strongest people I know, she is the best grandma, best friend, mother, and wife there could ever be.. I would also like to say how proud I am for my dad, Brain Blystone Jr., and my uncle, Tayler Blystone, they have taken everything so well and they are so strong, my dad is the best dad every and no matter how hard everything been for everyone, he’s still been there for me when I need him, and my uncle too, he’s the best uncle and my partner in crime, I love them all so much and I’m so proud of them for how everything has played out, they are my favourite people ever and I love them all so much.. my grandpa will always be loved, for ever and ever, and he will always be in our hearts.. 💗

  6. We are so sorry to hear about Brian’s passing and wish we could be there. Know you are all in our thoughts.

  7. My heart breaks for the Blystone family after hearing this saddening news of Brian’s passing today. I had the privilege of helping take care if Brian at Pine Grove for quite sometime. I loved talking about football with him, and just popping in just to say hello for a chat. No matter what he had going on healthwise ,he was in good spirits.I will never forget Brian or his sweet devoted wife Terri always by his side. Condolences to all.

    • Thank you for your service!
      I’m glad Brian crossed your path…
      Thank you for your kind words…
      God bless you always…

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