Beth Rees Jablonski

beth jablonski

August 2, 1963 ~ January 28, 2019

Beth Rees Jablonski, 55, of Austinburg, formerly of Geneva, died January 28, 2019 at Cleveland Clinic after a brief illness. She was born August 2, 1963 in Geneva to Ralph and Elaine (Price) Rees. She married Mark S. Jablonski on July 17, 1982 in Austinburg, OH. Beth was a 1981 graduate of Geneva High School and a member of Austinburg First United Church of Christ. She loved the outdoors and was an avid walker on the Western Reserve Greenway Trail with her beloved Jack Russell “Zippy”. She also enjoyed feeding the birds; animals, cooking, decorating her home and yard. She was also a member of Austinburg Greenway Trail Bike Patrol. She was a beloved wife and mother and great friend to many. She is survived by husband of 36 years, Mark; daughter Jessica S. (Geordie) Steinacker; sisters, Rhonda Rees Vivas, Patti Rees Gurekian and Connie Rees; aunts and uncles, Judy and Garth Price and Bernie Rabinovitz; nieces and nephews, Eric Jopperi, Katie Jopperi-Davis, Derek Diaz, Bret Diaz, Stacy Winckles, Elena Vivas-Perez and William Vivas and several cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents and brother, Thomas Rees. A memorial service will be Saturday, February 9, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. at Austinburg First United Church of Christ, 2870 Rte. 307, Austinburg, OH 44010. The Behm Family Funeral Home, 175 S. Broadway, Geneva assisted her family with arrangements. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Greenway Trail Fund Ashtabula County Metroparks, 25 W. Jefferson Street, Jefferson, OH 44047 or Austinburg First United Church, 2870 Rte. 307, Austinburg, OH 44010. Friends may leave condolences online at

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  1. My prayers and love to Beth's family. She will be missed. I was best friends with her oldest sister Rhonda and remember Beth as the baby sister. RIP Beth

  2. My heartfelt condolences for your loss. Fortunately, death is only a temporary part of life. Jesus promised us a wonderful resurrection of the dead (John 5:28,29/1 Thessalonians 4:13, 14), so we have the hope of being reunited with our deceased loved ones. In the meantime, even though the pain of loss through death may sometimes seem insurmountable, rest assured that God will give you the strength necessary to endure (Psalm 46:1). My deepest sympathies.

  3. I'm sorry, baby sister (In memory of Beth Jablonski) I'm sorry, baby sister– For times in the past I can not change, For this time right now I can't rearrange; For the drifting apart as sisters do, for silly spats I sometimes had with you, You were my baby sister, the baby we all adored– we tried to watch over you, we sometimes tormented you, we tagged you, we teased you, we watched you marry, we cheered for your child, for Jessica who gave such joy to grandma and grandpa, we laughed at your table, we loved your home-made goods, we called you Betty Crocker, no one could bake like you, no one could care like you, no one could joke like you, you were a Rees through and through, working the drug store, hiking the bike path, walking Zippy too until your last breath when he followed you. So I'm sorry, baby sister, I hope that you're listening above, I'm singing out to you, sister, I'm singing out with all of my love. by Patti Gurekian

  4. My very deepest condolences to the Rees family and Beth's husband. May you continue to enjoy walking trails far more beautiful than what we will ever experience here on earth.

  5. Oh so sorry to hear this! My deepest sympathy and prayers of comfort to Mark and family! Sincerely, Sharon Robertson Mettler

  6. I know there are no words at a time like this ,the heart is broken forever,but in time the pain does lessen. Beth will live on in the hearts of her family and everyone who knew her. She is at peace now no more suffering Isaiah 33:24

  7. Beth was the book keeper at Rees' Drugstore when I was an employee there. She had a great sense of humor and made it a fun time when I was there. She was also very contiencious about the business and cared very much for her family and friends. I'm sorry to hear about her passing at such a young age. She will be missed. May God bless her family and carry them through their grief.

  8. You have my deepest condolences on your loss. The Apostle Paul wrote at 1 Corinthians 15:26 that ‘death is an enemy’. We find this to be so true, as death robs us of friends and loved ones, but we can take comfort in his words recorded in the book of Acts 24:15 “that there is going to be a resurrection”. The Apostle Paul was not only talking about the things he saw but also repeating what the Lord Jesus Christ said as recorded at John 5:28, 29 that there would come a time “when all those in the memorial tomb would hear his voice and come out.” These words can bring us the comfort that we will be reunited with our loved ones in the near future. A future where there is no more pain, suffering or death (Revelation 21:4). This is a promise from Jehovah God (Revelation 22:6). Please go to for more information.

  9. So sorry to hear about Beth. Beth was in my class, along with her friend, Janet. Beth later served as the best statistician for the Geneva Tennis Team! Best wishes to Mark and family. Coach Arnold Bradshaw

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